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Broadcasting Saturdays

Broadcast on a Saturday Night on Radio SAM Germany or on Radio SAM Stereo,with Great German Schlager Music and also mixed Afrikaans Music mand Oldies but Goldies.I also broadcast in English and Afrikaans,so Welcome to my shows,Live on Zeno Media fm.



 Our Radio Station Banners to share as Partners.
Just click on one of the Radio Banners , It will Link you to one of our Radio Stations.If
you like one of our Websites and would like to become Partners, just send me a
Email : a.dezius@gmail.com or in my Mail in Studio.

Broadcasting Fridays

Broadcast on a Friday Nights on Radio SAM Germany or on Radio Voortrekker Stereo,with Great German Schlager Music and also mixed Afrikaans Music mand Oldies but Goldies. I also broadcast in English and Afrikaans,so Welcome to my shows,Live on Zeno Media fm.




Auto Dj Herbert from Sunday - Fridays
Our Auto Dj Herbert is online 24/7 for you,and plays greet music .every month we add new songs
for you to enjoy,from Party hits to Schlager,Afrikaans,Oldies but goldies ,Pop and rock,for old and young to enjoy.



My Name is Andreas Dezius and Broadcast Weekends Live on a Friday and Saturday Everning on Radio SAM Germany ,On a Internet Entertaining Radio Station ,from Germany.Come join me ,and listern to a few Great Songs in German and Afrikaans,I Broadcast in English and Afrikaans ,Some Weekends I also Broadcast on our Afrikaans Radio Station ,on Radio Springbok Germany.

Broadcasting Radio Stations


    Radio SAM Germany

    Radio SAM Stereo

    Radio Voortrtekker Stereo

    My Blogger








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Click on Subscribe and Leave me a message,wil be Happy to here from you,greeting Dj Nighthawk.


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steedener weg, 65594 Limburg